Website Services

Website Services

The world of running your business online is constantly changing.

I passionately believe in only making the changes needed to solve the issue. We don’t need to re-invent the wheel or completely re-write your website.

Maybe you’ve had your website for a while and it’s not been updated to keep up with current best practices, work well on mobile or reflect your business today.

Perhaps you need a few tweaks or changes to give it boost.

Here are the website services and related digital services I can help you with.

WordPress Help 1:1 Sessions

If your website is built on the WordPress platform and you want assistance to make some updates, I can help you move forward with WordPress coaching one to one sessions. Book a free discovery call to discuss your issues and we can plan one to one sessions to help you get it all sorted out.

From £60 p/h

website services wordpress help
WordPress Projects

WordPress Projects – One Off

If you have a specific project in mind to update your WordPress website, but haven’t been able to complete it, let me take this on for you. 

Using my 5+ years of WordPress experience and decades of software industry experience, I can save you time and stress in the long run.

Book a discovery call so we can discuss what you need and I’ll provide you with a plan and quote to complete your project.

From £60 p/h

Website Audit

If you’ve built your website yourself, or it was built a few years ago, you may be worried that your website is not keeping up with trends and regulations.

With changes to regulations like GDPR, privacy policies, cookie banners, UK directives to changes in user behaviour with over 60% of internet usage on mobile devices, there has been a lot going on and your website may not be keeping up.

I offer a comprehensive website audit to help you understand changes you may need to make to your site to be compliant and to attract your ideal client. Find out more and book a website audit here.

website audit
Newsletter Setup

Setting Up Email Marketing Newsletters

Using email marketing systems like Mailerlite and Mailchimp, is a great way to boost your sales and engagement.

If you need help setting up an email marketing system to your WordPress website, book a free discovery call to tell me more. Then we can book a separate session to get it set up and linked to your website.

From £60 p/h

Get Your Website Working With Google

Google offer a number of free tools to help you understand how your website is performing in search engines.

Google Analytics

The analytics tool gives you information on the traffic coming to your website.  You can use it to understand which social media channels, newsletters and search engines are sending visitors to your website.  Want to know where in the world these visitors are – it will show you.  Want to know the most popular pages on your website – that’s there too.

Google analytics accounts are free to set up but crucially need to be connected to your website.  Google also discontinued their UA version and from July 2023 only their GA4 version will collect data. If you have struggled to connect or reconnect your website to Google Analytics, you can book a Google Analytics SOS call for me to help you get connected.

£37 for 30 minutes. 

If you’re already connected to Google Analytics GA4 but want to learn how to use the information to grow your business, join my online training course Google Analytics Made Easy.

Access for £29

Google Analytics Help
Google Search Help

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is an essential tool for your website search engine optimisation for two reasons

Firstly, it will show you which searches are finding your website pages.  This will tell you if your pages are being found by the searches you’d expect or whether you need to make updates to your website to help it be found by the searches you want.

Secondly, it highlights any issues with indexing.  This is the process that search engines use to decide when to show a web page in search results.  If there’s a problem, your website pages are not going to be shown in search engine results.

 Book a discovery call to find out how I can help you with connecting to Google Search Console or help you resolve indexing issues.

Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile is the free tool you can use to list your business.  This is where a box about your business appears on the right hand side of search results.  

It’s straight forward to set up and will help improve your website SEO. If you’ve had it set up for a while, put a date in your diary to regularly check it is up to date.  If you need further help with this, get contact for me to help you.